e by you!” 在说这话的时候,咱叶董示意了一下凌晓晓,意思是,我女朋友的闺蜜在这儿被你们绑架了。 忽听这话,那精瘦的米国佬果然忌惮地微怔了一下…… 随即,他却是装傻充愣道:“i don't know what you're talking about?” 那精瘦的米国佬的意思是说,听不懂咱叶董在说什么? 见得其状,咱叶董干脆直言:“it doesn't matter if you don't understand. since we're here, if you don't hand in people, you'll have to be buried with us.” 硬气,相当的硬气! 咱叶董的意思就是:听不懂没有关系,既然我们来了,那么你们若不交出人来,那么你们就都得陪葬! 那精瘦的米国佬听着,又是有些忌惮的一怔—— 但,随即,他道:“we represent the united states!” 意思是他们代表米国。 咱叶董则道:“don't talk to me about those useless things! whom are you? in short, i must hand over my girlfriend's girlfriend!” 反正已是直来直去,所以咱叶董非常硬气。 意思就是,别跟我扯那些没有用的,我管你们是谁呢,总之要交出我女友的闺蜜来! 无奈之下,那精瘦的米国佬也没辙了,便问:“are you sure you can take your girlfriend's girlfriend out of here?” 意思是,你确定你能带你女友的闺蜜离开这儿? 咱叶董则是直接一句:“then fight!” 意思是:那就战斗吧! “?”精瘦的米国佬傻眼的一怔,心想这个华夏佬是不是疯了? 想想也是够疯的,居然敢这么直接地挑战他们米国佬。 可要知道米国佬骨子里就有着一种傲娇,像是不管是什么,他们都有优待条件似的。 待瞅瞅咱叶董之后,那精瘦的米国佬则道:“you can imagine clearly that we have a strong motherland behind us!” 意思就是:你可得想清楚了,我们背后还有一个强大的祖国! 听着这话,咱叶董则道:“i said, don't talk about those useless! now that i am here, i must take my girlfriend's girlfriend away! otherwise…… that's your funeral! it's that simple! to speak of a strong motherland, we also have behind it!” 咱叶董的意思是:我说了,别扯那些没有用的!既然我来了,那么就必须带着我女友的闺蜜离开!否则……就是你们陪葬!就这么简单!要说强大的祖国,我们背后也有! 至于一旁的凌晓晓,瞅着咱叶董英文这么溜,她则是一直都是一愣一愣的。 哼,这王八蛋……原来还这么有才华呀! 跟米国佬谈判,他竟然这么溜? 精瘦的米国佬见得其状,这会儿也是有些骑虎难下了。 要是真交出那个华夏女人来,似乎有失他们米国的颜面了!? 但,不交嘛……看样子,这个华夏佬也真不是什么善茬……M.daMINgpUMP.COm